Speaker/Presenter Information

Speaker/Presenter Information

Welcome to the Speakers’ Corner where you will find important details regarding speaker presentations at the 15th Biennial World Congress on Brain Injury. We have several types of presenters at the World Congress including Pre-Congress, Keynote, Symposium, Oral, Poster and Rapid presentations. The following information is an overview of what to expect onsite at the World Congress.

The interactive program lists the World Congress program and allows a search by speaker/presenter. You will find only the presenter will be listed in the interactive program and all abstract authors and co-authors will be published in the Supplemental Journal on Brain Injury.


For further information of what is required of you and what your participation will look like for this year’s World Congress, please click on the respective link(s) below:

If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us:

We look forward to seeing you in Montreal!

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