Carrie Esopenko

Carrie Esopenko


Dr. Carrie Esopenko is an Associate Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation and Human Performance at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. She holds an adjunct faculty appointment at the Traumatic Brain Injury and Concussion Center at the University of Utah, as well as in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health at Rutgers – Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Her research focuses on understanding the effects of neurotrauma and mental health conditions across populations and developing patient-specific and community-based intervention strategies for trauma-exposed populations. She is the Lead Investigator of the ENIGMA Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Working Group seeking to increase IPV brain injury research collaborations worldwide, and co-leads ENIGMA IPV Global Knowledge Exchange Network which works to provide education and training supports to service providers and advocates working with IPV-related brain injury. Dr. Esopenko’s work has been supported by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Department of Defense, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, and Canadian Institutes of Health Research. She was also awarded the 2024 National Neurotrauma Society’s Rosalind Franklin award, recognizing her impactful scientific contributions to neurotrauma research and her work improving advocacy and education for intimate partner violence-related brain injury.

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